Welcome My Dear Bonzie Reader!
A few deets about me & my blog:
My Name is Lydia Constantinides creator of BounjourINT, I am Media Analyst & Marketer by day and Blogger by free time! As a complete city girl, to some, my journey with BonjourINT began in 2016 where I began documenting my love for all things great and trendy. With a great desire to capture my experiences and I have created the following blog to share with you!
For my readers, my blog compiles selected reads which includes opinion pieces, reviews and self help pieces. We all lead rather hectic lives and the purpose behind this blog is to get captivated by things that help us break away and release from the mundane day to day.
Relax, take a break and be inspired by stories on:
Getting fresh ideas on what to do.
Where to go.
How to relax and unwind.
As well as many, many more topics.​
Other things we offer on this site include:
Photo Gallery
(Here you can acquire my inspirational photos and turn them into canvas art pieces or acquire them in print or digital copies ... Try it out)
Promote your company or product (Contact Me).
Buy through our Online Store (Coming Soon).
PS. Follower, Share and Like BonjourINT on Facebook & Instagram!
Enjoy your Experience!
Lyds xxx